22 December 2010

december 11 2010

bbq di kediaman vega.kejadian dan kemeriahan yang aku x akan lupa sampai bila bila.itulah klimaks nya.kami kumpul semuaa kegembiraan dan keceriaan dan diluahkan dalam satu malam sahaja.seronokkk gilaaa.makan ramai2.gelak ramai2.and it is fun.damn fun.mmg menggila gila gila. bilik basuh?woahhh!hahaha

hidup baru

memilih jalan yang baru.permulaan yang baru.hidup yang baru.and yeah tempat yang baru.semuanya baru.

05 December 2010


do i have to give up?now?i can see the final lines just in front of me,but i cant do this anymore.everyday im trying to convince myself that i can do this and that.but the fact is i just cant.i just cant.i dont know whether this is the real thing for me,or it is just an illusion.is there any other option for me?yes.but thats not enough for me.thats not convincing at all.
try to have faith in myself.give myself the second chance.but i have lost my hope.i have lost my confidence.i have lost everything.im not here anymore.but where am i suppose to go?

06 November 2010


If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
That's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
You can count on me cause I can count on you

Wooooh, Wooooh
yeah Yeah

If tou toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will
remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
Yeah Yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye

You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Wooooh, Wooooh
you can count on me cos' I can count on you


semester break

had sooo much fun within 12 days of holiday.being around my family and friends were sooo awesomee!let the pictures talk.fullstop.=)
oh and yes i love you guys damn much.take care everyone.:)

28 October 2010


saya akan mengubah segala-galanya dan membalas segala jasa mu seperti mana kamu membesarkan aku dengan segala usaha yang kamu curahkan.sakitnya hati ni bila melihat kamu dalam kesusahan dan kesempitan.tetapi,aku tidak mampu membantu dan hanya mampu melihat.insyaAllah,akan ku balas jasamu.

26 October 2010

almost lover

this song really make me thinking.where is he right now?u came into my life,n u just went away like that.u made my day.u make me to be an idiot person for awhile.alhamdulillah,Allah dah tunjukkan siapa kamu yang sebenarnye.aku x mampu hadapi musibah dan rintangan di kemudian hari.aku x mampu membawa cinta yang boleh membuatkan aku hanyut entah ke mana.contoh sudah di depan mata dan aku tidak mahu perkara yang sama berlaku pada aku.sudahlah dosa yang ada pada aku,aku x mampu menanggung beban dosa lagi.
lelaki tak pernah gagal dlm apa jua perancangan yang mereka lakukan.sangat mudah untuk membuatkan seorang perempuan jatuh cinta.sangat mudah mengeluarkan kata kata cinta.tetapi semuanya tipu belaka.sabar menunggu cinta yang sebenarnya.aku x mau membuang masa dengan cinta yang sia sia.aku x mampu melihat mama dan abah menangis kerana kegagalan aku.tidak.aku x sanggup mengahadapi saat itu.

terima kasih atas segala segalanya my almost lover.

16 September 2010


selamat hari raya!
As usual,blik penang clbrate raya.drpd kms trus blik penang dgn pakai bju kurung.6 hours!dgn sempitnya.tp x pe lah.erat hubungan.konon.hahaha.1st raya pun biasa ja.nthng sgt.p kubur jalan2 then blik.tdo.
2nd raya.tepat jam 12 ak bgun.bila petang sket bru kluar.tu pun g umah tok.tempat tu je yg dituju.baby phia arrived dgn kakak n abg agil.
3rd raya.kenduri.like usual,ak bsuh pnggn.syiok!haha.pkol 3 bru tdo.
4th raya untl 7th.biasa2 je.x da ape sgt.
8th raya.back to kms.straight frm penang.but dis time no baju raya.haha.
Cnclusion.dis year biasa2 je.okay lah raye.duit raya mkin kurang.ak pun pelik.haha.so,now on track blik.think about my future.xm is juz around the corner.so,hv to be well prepare.ak ni bkn pndai sgt.
Dats all fo today.dah ngntok.selamat malam.

01 July 2010

life in kms

waaaaaaa ayat mcm gempakk jee.haha.act kms ni sangat menarik.kadang2 aku rasa mcm dok kat taylor's.kadang2 aku rasa mcm dok kat skolah maahad.kadang2 aku rasa mcm dok kat kem tentera.sume campur menjadi kolej matrikulasi selangor.everyone dekat kms sangat best!happening gile nak mati.now i know how it feels bile dok asrama.all of da rumours bout hostel is soo untruee.asrama bestt!setakat ni lah.haha.at first mmg rasa sucks.but lama2 hey its cool.walaupun kene beratur time nak mandi tapi x jadi masalah aku rase.sbb aku bole sambung tido dlm toilet b4 masuk mandi.hahaha.then satu lagi masalah adalah masalah air dari paip yang sangat pelan.air kluar setitik dua je.ishh nak je aku mandi kat water cooler.lagi laju air dia dari mandi dlm toilet.hahaha.tapi tu lah.mane bole mandi kat water cooler.kang lela jeritt plak.haha.aktiviti memajalkan orang masih diteruskan tapi x de lah teruk sangat.rasenyee.hahaha.caca pemajal paling bertauliah di kms.n diaa adalah mentor aku.haha.budak2 ground floor slalu jadi mangsa.sorry.ouh not to forget masalah blackout yang menjadi kegemaran penduduk vega.every week ade je organizer competition mengiron secara besar besaran.then blackout!haihhhhhh.pastu suma pakat nak mengamuk.blame each other.haha.WOI NAK IRON TELEKUNG PON AGAK2 LAH.X YAH LAH SAMPAI BALCKOUT!!!hahahaha.the best!dlm ade masalah pon bole gelak2.bilik aku merupakan bilik persinggahan ramai penduduk vega.kadang2 dekat 10 orang melepak.tengah malam baru balik.tapii bestt!sorry shikin,zaiti,fatin.bisingggg.haha.haa ckp pasal roomate.aku bertuah ade 3 roomate!shikin.budak sebelah katil.ouhh ni lah geng aku.ade je perkara yang kiteorg buat yang akan buat fatin n zaiti naik angin.tapi kami x kisahh.haha.aku pnggl dia datin sbb dia slalu ade meeting.hari2 pusing kms.aku x tau lah ape yang dia tgk.tapi ape yang aku pasti dia ade meeting.haha.next is zaiti.ouhh aku kalu bole nak pnggl dia kakak,tapi x yahh lahh.haha.dia sangat suke membebel kat aku n shikin.tapi kalu x de die,bosan plak.aku suke gak ah mengusik zaiti ni.tapi tu lah.haha.next is fatin.dia jpp!woot woot.ape2 yang kiteorg x puas hati dia lah org pertama kiteorg buat report.senang!straight trus to encik azra.haha.well,kuliah mcm biaselah.kuliah best sbb x yah buat ape2.juz denga je.kalu mengantuk tido.kalu x mengantuk tutup mata.senang.hahahha.aku x suke tutor n practical sbb penat.but now,its getting better.bolee lahh.kene lah buat jugak.every week ade quiz.endless!sighh sucks!tapi kene lah jugak.nak buat mcm mane.n menu everyday aku adalah nasi goreng biasa n nasi plus ayam goreng.typical menu.sampai bosan aku nak makan.tapi nak buat mcm mane.cerewet sangat nasib lahh.

ouh stalker u r the best!haha.:p

19 June 2010

new life

life in hostel adalah sumthing yang sangattt baruu.biasalah hostel baru.cehh.sume bau kedai.haha.at first,i juz wanna go home.but now,everything dah ok sikt.dah bole adapt.actually live in hostel x de lah sucks sangat.but its fun.live with ur friends.cheers everyday.laughter dat will never ends.dats cool.super cool.well,my routine is just the same.woke up at 6.40 am then solat at 7.05 am.jamak with syuruk.haha.then go to class after breakfast roti.then,back to hostel at 5pm.typical routine.and not to forget.everyday lunch with ayam goreng kat kedai pak cik tua.damn fantastic!for a feww weeks.now,dah bosan.haha.dinner makan kat kedai abang bob.typical dinner also.nasi goreng.gahhh everydayyy!tapi telan je lah.now world cup season.n i cant watch?!haishhh but no regret.i promise to myself dat one day i will watch wc livee at the stadium.not live on tv.but yeah.a dream.haha.next month ade exam.somehow,im afraid.soo afraid.im not 100 percent ready.but i will fight.for everyone.especially mama n abah.now,i realised everything yang terjadi ade hikmah dia.i think im a different person now.sikit lahh.haha.i learn how to respect people around me.learn how to be petient.learn how to be independent.n learn how to love.not for a guy for sure.but for my family.everyday im thinking bout them.but all i can do is juz pray.time solat pon bole nangis if teringat pasal mama n abah.haishhh.but i know,i have to be strong.im here for them.for myself.n i wont give up.for sure.andd i miss my old friendss.hyve,my friends yang dekat penang.ohh i miss penang damn muchh!sabarr je lahh.n maybe next post akan saye ceritakan pengalaman2 aku di kms.lotss of fun!for sure.hahaha.

bye bye.

20 May 2010

no title

penggangur terhormat

tepat pkol 11.30 a.m aku akan bangun.then,trus pegi dapur.kemas pinggan mangkuk sume.basuh pinggan2 yang ditinggalkan oleh manusia2 bekerja,then masak nasi.until now,aku still x tau mcm mane nak ukur tahap air utk mengelakkan beras tu menjadi bubur.hehh but now im getting better.nasi dah sedap.hahahaha.then,sidai baju.lepas sidai baju,sapu sampah.then,bukak facebook.sampai aku rasa bosan tahap dewa.tengok tv sampai nak muntah.then,petanggg.bile dah petang tunggu kyra amani sofea balik.yeay!bole cubit2 pipi sofea.but kejap je lah.malas nak layan lama2.haha.then tgk af.abih je af,mandi.lepas tu main facebook again!sampai pkol 1 if abang x nak pkai comp.then baru iron bajuu mama,abang,min,is n kadang2 baju abah.n lastly tido.tu je routine hidup aku selama 6 bulan ni.haihhhhhhh.terukk gilee!

30 March 2010

for faen

err blog award?faen mcm terpaksa je bg aku award ni.

i've to pass dis award to fantastic blogger so i choose

and now i've to state 7 things about myself.

1. saya ada biggg family.trust me.BIG family.hahahaha.saye ade 6 adik beradik.khairul muzammil,norrulhuda,nurul syuhada,saya nurul nabila nadia,khairul najmi hakim,dan khairul iskhandar.ditambah dengan muhammad agil dan kyra amani sofea.kami bahagia walaupun kami RAMAI.mcm2 kami lalui.hidup susah hidup sederhana.kami tetap ceria walaupun kami x sekaya org di luar sana.kerana kami ada antara satu sama lain.hidup dlm umah yg kecil dan sempit pon kami snngp,asalkan kami bersama.sorg bawah katil,sorg kat dapur,sorg blakang tv,sorg atas sofa.kami memiliki mama dan abah yg hebat.noraini ayob dan kamarudin muhamad.mcm2 mereka lakukan utk bahagiakan kami.saya sayang mereka.

2.saya org penang.truly penang.hahaha.bole ckp loghat penang bila ngn org penang je.x tau knpa rasa pelik bila ckp penang ngn org kl. rasenye sbb x de respond yg sama kot.so better x yah ckp.hahahaha.skolah kat penang awesome!time skolah rendah aku lah hero.hahaha.mana ada kwn prmpuan.aku gang lelaki.main bola sepak,main takraw dlm class.cekik budak smp nangis.tu sume keje gang bersama.tapi kami x kacau org.hahaha.naik bskl time balik skolah pastu terbagi pecah tingkap umah mak cik tu sbb brek x berfungsi.HAHAHAHAH.sory mak cik.time skolah menengah pon mcm tu gak.tapi dah smkn baik ngn gurls.da matured.cehhh.hahahaha.sume cikgu jadi kawan xcept ustazah.class kkq pkol 10.45,tapi pkol 10.40 baru aku smp.sbb?pegi makan bihun sup bwh pokok ngn shira,fatin,kinah,n una.HAHAHAH.ari2 pkai alasan bas isi minyak.at last kene denda.SAYA BERJANJI X AKAN DATANG LAMBAT LAGI.kene buat smp 100x.gila!hahaha.tapi bez.time class bahasa arab dok buat keja denda.nasibb arhh.hahaha

3.saya ada hyperactive aka hyve.mereka adalah farahen yunus,amira isa,nur nabilatul nadia,sara lisa,nurliza salleh,lyana rosalini,farhana khalid,fafahidayu,fath yazid,madihah ismail,saidatul shahida.fuhhh!HAHAHAHAHHA.lyana pnggl kiteorg train tapi tu lah kiteorg.hahaha.kiteorg x kacau org pon,tapi adee jee x kene.tapi x kisah lah.jnj happy.kalu rase bosan ptt lepak ngn diaorg coz confrm hilang bosan!xcept sume x emo.HAHAHAHAHA.sume dah ade lisence so,aku adik.lambat2 pon x pe.HAHAHA.

4.ohh saya juga ada geng penang.kiteorg x da specific name mcm hyve.hahahaha.nursyazwani,adiba fatin,amalina, dan ramai lagii.yg unik diaorg ni adalah motor azimat.wooooooo i love it.hahaha.nikmat naik motor tu lain mcm.rase mcm kene tampar ngn angin tu yg sedap.hahahaha.rase angin semulajadi.x yah pkai air cond.pastu merempit carik makanan.AIS KACANG!hahahahaha.geng2 lama mcm kinah,una,fatin,shira dulu lagii lahh.smyg tapi dok gelak.abih satu saf gelak.aku lnggr besi,tapi sume gelak.hahahhaa.pastu kene marah ngn cikgu.SMYG PAKAI STONGKIN MCM KEK LAPIS!hahaha.mcm2 lah.tapi bez.lompat time nak naik bas wlaupun bas tu bergerak.still nak naik.HAHAHAH.

5.saya ada ex classmate yg sgt amazing!since darjah 1 until form 5.
darjah 1-paling benci budak menangis smp kluar hingus n berak dlm class.HAHAHAHA
darjah 6-otai kat skolah.main takraw,bola,bully budak.tapi x penah kene tngkp ngn cikgu.
form 1-bz ngn pengakap.sampai hitam.amik hg!lekat smp skrng.HAHAHAHA
form 3-putrajaya.HAHAHAHAH.agak shy2 masa mula2 tapi nsb baik jumpa hyve.so,hyper!hahaha.
form 4-ade zahrul.disaster.i've to admit aku enjoy kwn ngn dia.gila gempak.sume org kene.letak keyboard dlm beg syakira lah,panda lah,ikan lah,cicak lah,biawak lah.bilik meeting lah.sume ade!hahahahaha.
form 5-awesome.convent!hahahaha.2 guys?ape nak buat.redha.tapi kami sume protective.cehhhhhh.hahahaha.mcm2 sgt memories.
spm reslts-bangga dgn sendiri tapi rasa hina akan perbuatan diri sendiri.dats all i can say.

6.big fans of manchester united!hahahaha.ape2 game yg membabitkan team ni,aku x akan miss wlaupun aku kene bngn pkol 3 pagi.aku x kisah jnj aku tgk team aku menang.slalunye aku yg kene gerak abah n abang bangun.pastu kene ketok tv smp elok.maklumlah tv veteran.HAHAHAHAH.manchester akan menang sume league yg ada.glory2 man utd!

7.saya single.HAHAHAHAH.aku x tau sama ada normal ke x if aku sronok menjadi single.tapi itulah aku.aku x suke org dok control aku n aku x bebas nak kwn ngn sape2.so single!x de sape kisah.tapi lama2 rase sunyi plak.but no worries saya ada fmly,hyve,n friends.no time 4 guys rite now.not yet kot.

panjang siot.HAHAHAHAHHA.sape yg baca bg abih mmg semangat lahh.HAHAHAHA.
dats all.


cerita nobita

HAHAHAHAHA.ape lahh nak jadi?hahahaha.klakr nak mati bila baca all of da post.first word in my mind.WHAT!!!.ahhahahaha.tiada perasaan lain selain teruja dan kelakar nak mati.NOBITA TU?no wayyy.not her.but alhmdllh not her.
go n get ur dreams.then do wateva u want.we're still friends.right?
sumtimes friendship lebih berharga than love.
now i realised that.
so friends.

15 March 2010


lama x gelak mcm ni.
lama x tulis mcm ni.
haihhhhh apa kene ngn aku ni?
its ok.
padan muka hg,sapa suro carik psl.
now,terima je lah apa yg jadik
so,now be a better person.
be more responsible,be 18.
i need time,i need some space.
tapi dah penat nak mengenang nasib.
skrng time utk cheer up.
eventhough x dpt straight A's,tapi saya ada sijil SPM.
somehow saya rindu HYVE.
kawan yg slalu ade,they can make me smile.maybe buat saya gelak mcm nak mati.
hahahahahaha.mcm2 mende kite buat,but kita still HYVE.
x kisah lah ape org nak ckp,kite still HYVE.kite x kacau org,so tolonglah jgn kacau kiteorg.
for nursyazwani bt kassim,fatin adiba,nur amalina.
thanks.dats all i can say.hampa suma ada time aku susa,hampa terima ja aku mcm mana.bwk aku naik moto smp mcm dok dlm peti ais,tapi aku suka.hahahahah.terima kasih sbb denga segala leteran dan bebelan aku.
terima kasih semuaaaa.
i am who i am.
no one can change dat.

saya buat silap

arghhhhhhhh i hate dis.
but im learning,still learning.
i hurt you,you,and you.
im sorry.
i cant accept dis thing until i realise i hv my family,my big family,hyve,friends,and teachers of coz.
i hate to see her tears,
dats y i hate myself rite now.
she said its ok,but she's lying.
it not ok.
she's hurt
not juz bcoz of me,
but i still feel guilty.

mama,i promise one day i'll make u proud.
cant say any words rite now.

10 March 2010


09 March 2010

i hv my own limits

dats it.u hurt me.damn much.im trying to forget the past.try to be nice.try to share evrythng wid u bcoz i love u.yeah i love u.but as a friend rite now.my close friend.but i think i juz a trash 4 u.so i'll be away from ur life.forever if u want.dont ask 4 my 4giveness.stop it.congratulasions bcoz u did it.u hurt me.n yeahhh im crying bcoz of dat.congrats again!i dont want to know anythng.but dats it.im leaving.im tired on being nice,happy,smile on front of u.fake smile!bella x berdendam n i'll 4give u.but not now.please.not now!bella x suro hafiz pujuk bella bcoz i know hafiz mmg x reti nak pujuk org.but for once can u understand my feelings?i hv my own limits.plese dont be selfish.please think about other people.im not a guy.but bella kasar physically.but deep inside i juz like them.the girls.i'm a girl no matter what.so please.bella x nak situation mcm ni but hafiz dah buat bella rasa mcm bella x de makna apa2 pon 4 u.salah ke bella nak kwn ngn apiz?baik2 ngn apiz?if x bole n susah sgt,then fine.ckp ngn bella.n bella x akan kacau idop apiz.i hv my family,hyve,n friends.i dont need a guy yg juz ckp ILY kat bella.i dont need dat.i reaally2 dont.bella x nak apiz salah anggap.n psl kawan apiz tu.bella x tau ape mslh dia.n same like u.im trying to be nice.tapi tu lah.org dah buat kita mcm ni,then dats it.no more!fake feelings,fake smile,fake words.i hate dat!
bella happy sgt2 bile ngn hafiz.im serious.i dont know why.im trying to be friends wid u.but i think we cant.we're from different world.so,dats it.dun worry bella x akan kacau idop hafiz lagii.tu janji bella.i'll be there if u need me.bcoz u was there when i need u.so,thanks.bella x penah regret kawan ngn org mcm hafiz.thanks hafiz afandi.thanks.

08 March 2010

aunty nabila

kyra amani sofia.
changed everything in my life.
no words can describe my feelings.
only smile,n smile,n smile.
welcome baby kyra.

btw,reslt nak kluar.n aku x rase apa2 on dis time.idk why.but sumtimes rasa cuak gak.tapi kejapp jee.huhu.like what mama said,terima apa je yg aku dapat.be responsible.hrmmmm.
straight A's!
yeah straight A's.

19 February 2010

old dayss

result nak kluar.aku x dpt ape2 clue pon drpd mimpi2 aku.haihh risauu nii.mane mimpi aku pegiii?hahahha.tapii tu lah mcm mane nak mimpi indah if tido pon dah nak dekat subuh.bngn lagii lahh nak kene tgu imam azan zohor baruu bngnnn.haihhhh.aku kene settle lisence duluuu then baru rase mcm x de beban.evryday org tnye mende yg same,nak muntah dah aku dengaa.penat lahh driveee.eiiii.hrmm terigt plak kat membe2 5 sigma 1.hahaha.mcm manee lah diaorg skrng ehh?lamee kott x jumpa tapi x pe lah nnt rslt mst jumpa balikk.hahahhaa.sronok kot bile igt2 balik masa time skolah dulu.tujuan asal g skolah juz utk hv fun je.pagi2 lagi dah gelak.pagi2 lagi dah buat bising.pagi2 lagi dah gossips.pagi2 lagi dah bully shaerr.awhhh rinduu kot kat shaerr n mad!haahahhaha.rindu masa time kene marah dulu.puan narizan paling terbaikkk.liyana lahh yg paling pandai tiru gaya cikgu.hahaha.igt lagi mase time lyana g umrah tuu.sunyii je class x de gang.pastu amik gamba lyana letak kat krusi pastu buat2 mcm ckp kat lyana.hahaha.pastu yg sesi pemujaan bila mad g sngkt gamba lyana kat pokok.da mcm animisme dahhh.hahahah.tapii yg paling kagum.5 sigma 1 bebas drpd segala penipuan time exammm.ehhhh jap betol ke?kite clean ke?ehh x jugakkk.ade gakk skit2.yg time biology tuu.hahahhaa.aku punya lah bangang smp x tau ade pnykt name beri-beri.hhaha

conversation dlm keadaan berbisik(tapi aimi je.aku x ):D
bella:aimi,penyakitt apee nii?satuu nii je aku x dpt2 dari tadii lagii.aku dah tido dekat 10 round dahh.x jumpa pon jawapan tuu.tolongg lahhh
aimi:aishhh,jap2 aku tgk farah.haaa betol lahh!wehh beri-beri
bella:haaaaaaaaaaaa?!biri-biri?wehhhh tu binatang bukan penyakitttt
aimi:ishhhhhhh beri-beri!
bella:eii ape2 je lah aimi.
bella:ohhhh ade ehhhh penyakit mcm tuuu?bangangnye akuu.

apee lagii ehh yg aku igt?
aku igt lagi time kiteorg sume tgh sembang2 tibe2 si nad bersuara
nad:wehhhhhhhhhhhh.korg nak denga cite x?
nad:ko tau x.abng kpd bapak akuu ckpp kannn
faen kot:ehh naddd!tuu bukan pak cik ko?x yah lah nak ckp pnjg2
kami:haihhhhhhhhh aku x phm lahh dia niii!

another conversation
bella:wehh nad aku ade teka-teki
bella:mende apee yg ade besi tapii kale ijau?
bella:tettttt masa dah tamat!jwpn dia ko lahhhhhhh.hahahahaha
mad,shaer,aku,faen,shaaa sumeee gelakkkk kat nadd!hahaha.soryy naddd

shaer:maddd nakk rotii koo.mcm sedapp ouhhhh
bella:aah lahhh maddd.bak skit!
mad:ehhh x bole2.aku akan bagi kat korg roti ni,tapi kite kene tgu seseorg dulu.baru bole bukak
bella:what?sempat small intestine aku berbelit kalu nak tguu 'seseorg' ko naikkk
shaer:alalallala madd tguu firyallll ehhh?hahahaha
bella:ohhhhhhhhh yeee keee?!ouhhhhhh ade hatii rupanyaaa
shaer:ehhhh mestilahhhh.

ape lagii ehh?
haaaa.terigt time quiz time sejarah.time tu x ramai org adee
pastu buat lahh groupp.gileee sedihh je bile diaorg buat group based on tutup kepala atau x.phm x?1 group pakai tudung,1 group x pakai tudung..hehhhhh.sedihhh jeeee.hhuhuhu.pastu kalu ade quiz kite mesti buat suggestion utk buat due group.satu group lelaki satu group perempuan.hahahaha
21 gurls vs 2 guys?
confirmm lahh gurls menangg.dlm ape2 pon kiteorg menang.terbukaaa jeee minda mad n shaer bile girls di sekeliling mereka berbicara mengenai hal wanita.cehhhh hahahahahha.kalu x puasa,slumberr jeee mulut bau coklatt.hhahahaha.

n the horror in our class
puan lita:nabilaaa kamuu mehh buat kat depannn.jawab nih!
bella:apee?akuuu?haaa bolehh lahh
pastu sume orgg diamm jeee.then,sume org dengar satu suara bunyii mcm bersiul dari pintu blakang until depann.pastu ilang.then aku ngn slumber

bella:wehhhhhhhhhhhh dengaaaa x?!!!
mereka:haaaaaaaaa dengaaaaaaaa!
nani,farihahh,ain:x dengaaa ponn.korg dengaa apee?
syaf:alaaaaaa korg x dengaa ke bunyi mcm bersiull tadii?
bella:wehh rugii kottt!bezzz kott bunyii diaaa

pastuu x pe lahh.dok tempat.then aku smbng ngn mira sbb time tu faenn x de.n mcm biase lahh kan mst lah gelak2.then tiba2 ade org gelak skali ngn kiteorgg kattt luarr tingkapp.dengaa suara jee orgnye x de.dlm 2 minutes

bella:miraaaa!ko dengaaa x?
mira:ishhhhhh aku usaha x nak tegooo
bella:wehh jom dok ngn piahh lahhh

ehhhhhhhhh mcm2 lahh if nak tulis smp raya haji pon aku x siap2 tulis.hahahah.im doing dis bcoz i miss them damn muchhhh.nakk jumpa geng2 biruu balikk.nak ejek diaorg sumpah2 lagiii.hahahahaha.


bilaaa nakkk abihh niii?

10 February 2010

04 February 2010


woke up at 4am.went to airport.sleep n solat.makan2 dlm flight.
at 9am smp sarawak.wahhh xciteddd siot!mcm2 nama kiteorg jumpa.
check in at Merdeka Palace Hotel.moreee xcitedd!
on the second day jalan2 pegi tempat jual kek lapis,cat museum,makan2,then pegi crocodile farm.
x penah jalan2 mcm ni wid all of them,n honestly i had a great timeee wid themm.
love them!<3

29 January 2010


The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start

Oh, But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

p/s-i've great time wid u.
thnx 4 da moment!

19 January 2010

captain nabila

awhhhh great title
i want dis
damn much!
"this is the captain nabila speaking please fasten ur seatbelts we are about to take off.. to penangg!!

13 January 2010


awakk semuee...
saye rindu kamuu!

05 January 2010


lately,aku manyak buat silly mistakes...
im not happy wid dis